Easily get the sale (with meta pixel retargeting)
... Meta-pixel-who and a what now ?!?
It’s just a fancy word for a seriously powerful local business marketing tool. We’ll get into how to use it. First, a WARNING:

The Profit Microscope Formula
Could you use some Einstein in your marketing?
…Well, assuming you want to unlock predictable profit —(who doesn’t?!?)— then… let’s just say this Formula is for you.
You’re about to see exactly how to identify the hungriest segment in a market and take full advantage.
But before we begin…

The Rotten Number One And The Word Of Mouth Trap
Yesterday we consulted for a client who had enjoyed word-of-mouth growth. Operating for 7 years, they were at full capacity for four of them. They never had to invest in marketing besides a basic website and in-house social media. But guess what happened?

Dismantle Prospects “Shopping Around” Frame Instantly
Don’t we all ask ourselves time and time again: How to get more clients?
I know WE do… But here’s the real question:
“How do I easily attract more customers to buy my higher-priced products and services?”

How To Choose An Optimal USP…
How To Choose An Optimal USP—Write A USP That Establishes You In A “Category Of One”… Yet Works For You, NOT Against You.
You have a Unique Selling Proposition (USP), whether you realize it or not. Most businesses are familiar with the concept, but actually designing a USP that works in your market and for you is a different ball game.

Upmarket Positioning For Prosperity & Wealth
If you want prosperity, you need an upmarket product/service targeted at the wealthier customer.
This has the most generous potential reward ratio. You know that. I know that. Everybody *should* know that.
So why do so many businesses fail here so. damn. badly?!?

Why "Spray And Pray" Marketing Is A Surefire Way To Waste Your Ad Budget (And What To Do Instead)
Spending money on ads is scary because you just don’t know if that money is coming back. Hopefully bringing some of his friends.
Spending money on ads without knowing if they'll bring in a single customer can be scarier than a prostate exam from Edward Scissorhands.

How To Write An Ad That Gets You New Clients (Part 1)
Here’s something I discovered after being in marketing for almost 12 years.
Most ads absolutely suck at getting clients.
Some ads are funny. Some ads are cinematic (whatever that means). Some ads are memorable.

Mass Marketing Doesn’t Work. Do This Instead.
Quick question: who’s your ideal customer? A lot of business owners answer that question with a variation of:
“Anyone with a pulse and the money to pay me.”
Two problems with that:

Why Construct A Superpowered Marketing Message
In 1978, Cavett Robert cautioned Dan Kennedy. “Don’t be in too much of a hurry to promote until you get good.” Dan noted that many rush to promote without ensuring they have something truly worth promoting. Look at your competitors' messaging—you’ll see they all do it the same. That’s why you need a great marketing message now more than ever. Find out how…

Why New Ads Should ALWAYS Be Top Of Mind…
"Heyyyyyy, what’s new with you? In a world of shortened attention spans and relentless advertising, keeping your content fresh is more critical than ever. Not only is ad fatigue a real problem, it leaves us with a big problem: how to combat it… the answer is with a robust content strategy. Lead your market with innovation and variety in your digital marketing efforts. If you're running one ad now, it's time to run at least three. Let's keep things exciting and engaging!

Is Your Advertising As Great As It *Could* Be?
Learn the pitfalls of local business advertising and how to optimize your lead generation campaign with targeted strategies. Don't waste your budget on ineffective methods; instead, leverage our expert tips for running Facebook ads and improving online lead generation.

The Shortcut To Affluent Markets
Ever wondered why status symbols and social cues are pivotal when attracting high-net-worth clients?
Being the best in your market doesn't matter if no one knows you. Imagine Yoda as a random bum off the street, picking chips off the floor before advising Luke about "the force." Luke's reaction? "Get away from me, you cretin!" That's the power of reputation.
You need to be seen as the local Yoda, not a random street philosopher. Advertise your expertise and hang out in the right places. In this short read, see how local reputation can garner you affluent clients. Plus, learn the vital shortcut to building your reputation in affluent areas faster than you can shout, "I'M THE BEST IN WEST LONDON!"

Make The Market Salivate Over Your Sexy Advertising
Why exactly should most businesses up to mid-market completely ignore the advertising methods of goliath companies like Apple and Coca Cola?

The Dreaded “Instant Prospect Ick.”
You can drive hundreds of leads, craft perfect ads, and have a flawless website, but one wrong message can give your clients the dreaded “instant prospect ick.”

Advice Local Business Owners - Attract The “Perfect Punn’ers” With A Cunning Plan
Imagine your perfect clients scrolling their phones, just waiting to discover your business. Marketing is everywhere, but your boosted Facebook ad won’t cut it. You need a cunning plan to slice through the noise. Learn how to attract the perfect customers with strategies sharper than a Japanese Katana.

Let’s Talk About Great Marketing.
Great marketing shouldn’t be a mystery. You pay for it to bring back multiples of what you spend. If it’s not, something’s wrong! Here are the core ingredients that make marketing work in ANY economy.

How To Be THAT Local Business…
Ever feel like your local business is wrestling for attention? Discover how to be THAT business everyone notices. See how to GRAB attention for lead generation with FB marketing.