Advice Local Business Owners - Attract The “Perfect Punn’ers” With A Cunning Plan

Imagine. Your perfect clients are out there, going about their day in broad daylight. They're scrolling their phones half the time. We know where to reach them. The problem is how to break through the noise. Marketing is absolutely everywhere. So posting a boosted ad on Facebook and staring into the abyss as your hard-earned cash disappears into the ether won’t cut it. THAT is a proven formula for failure. Forget Triple-H… It’ll get you a fat red Triple-F stamped on your forehead.

Instead, you'll need to lay a sophisticated trap to bait your customers in. But that's not easy… Fear not though. You’re in good hands. I'll explain how in a moment. First, here’s a picture that lays out the whole concept, you’ll never forget it if you pay attention:

Waft Honey At The Bear

If you want to grab the attention of a bear. The first thing you need to know is that they have a highly sophisticated sense of smell. Take notes.

Next, you're going to have to research what bears like. Now, a little birdy once told me that bears have a weakness for honey. We'll use that against them.

Next we need to know where they hang out. A good 18 or so years ago, I visited Yosemite National Park in California. Turns out, bears rummage through bins at night leaving a TOTAL mess. So we pinned down their location.

Now for the cunning plan. 

Imagine you: Waft the scent of honey out into the Yellowstone National Park. You'll soon have a bear at your feet.

A wise decision? Probably not.

But if we tried the same thing with a slice of soybean tofu? Probably not going to lure that bear in… and if we take it a step further and leave our honey out to waft in the middle of Twickenham, London… probably no bears around to catch the scent. 

It's the same thing with your customers. You have to work out what they pay attention to, what they like, and where they hang out… With this information you can concoct a cunning plan to lure them in. Otherwise, they won't even come near you. One problem though:

Advertising Bombardment

Advertising is everywhere. Someone once said we see 4,000 ads per day. And I don't know if that is true, but I can certainly agree that's a lot!

And that means that we have become desensitised to it all. So to stand out you have to choose the right tools to get the job done.

Slice Through The Noise
With An Ancient Egyptian
Water Jet Cutter 

Notice how I didn't say "slice through the noise with an ancient Egyptian stone tool?" As if!

That would be silly! Historians try to argue that the dense giant bricks of ancient Egyptian pyramids were cut by hand with stone tools. I say this: "that's a likely story!"

You don't need a stone tool! You need an authentic ancient Egyptian Water Jet to make a meaningful cut through thick rock. 

And it's the same with your marketing message. It has to SLICE through the rock. It has to be as sharp as a Japanese Katana blade. And if you ask the Japanese? They will tell you what a rigorous process goes into sharpening that blade. For good reason, they have a reputation as some of the sharpest blades in the world.

If the Japanese were to apply their craft to a marketing message, that focused process would be used to write their advertisement. 

…Which brings us to the second problem: that's NOT easy either!

Turning A Rusty
Marketing Message Into A 
‘Deadly Japanese Katana’

We have a serious advantage though. The enemy hasn't sharpened their blade in at least a decade. Do you what it takes to be THAT complacent?! You see the same tired old marketing techniques used over and over again. The same offers, the same boring messaging… Look at this snore fest:

"20 years experience!"

"The Best X, Y or Z"

"Buy One Get One FREE."

"We're professional."

… And frankly, it's all gotten terribly boring. You would have thought in those 10+ years they could have come up with something new by now… but NO, same old "s***, different day.

Now, if you look back at the bear & honey bait we setup earlier… you might see your very own pot of honey here. By I mean, an opport-OOOOOONATEE:

5 Tricks To Finally
Cut Through The Noise
Like A Cunning Fox

1. Use The Eye Of A Hawk To Spot Opportunity (sp: oportoonatee)

Keep an eye on marketing in all kinds of industries and niches. Take note of anything that really stands out to you, especially if it made you make an unusual purchase decision. When you do, really take time to look back at why their marketing worked. No matter how different it is to your local business, really ask yourself: 

"How can I use this?"

You'll soon find yourself with ideas that cut through the noise. 

2. Don't Be A FILTHY Copy Cat!

Forget all this lame messaging:

  • We're the best. 

  • We're amazing.

  • We're awesome. 

  • We've been in business for 80 years. 

  • We're honest. 

  • We're transparent. 

  • We're cheap. 

Blah blah BLAH! Nobody cares about any of that! Hide it away on some website page. Or even better: Throw it away. Don’t look back. 

3. Use Empathetic Language To Make 'Em Sit Up And Pay Attention 

Deeply observe what your market cares about. We all have a conversation that's going in our heads. Usually, we have multiple conversations that come and go. So if you can tap into that, then you can really connect to your potential customers.

Think about what they are likely to have on their mind.

What is your ideal customer likely to have been thinking about before they reached out or purchased your product?

What problems are they facing that likely brought them to you?

If you can meet them there, and show them that you understand them… they become putty in your hands. 

4. Use The Innate Human Survival Mechanism Of Self Interest To Your Advantage

People care about themselves. Talk about THEM. Show them how you’ll benefit them as quickly and clearly as possible. That’s the basis of a powerful marketing message.

5. You’re Too Woke

Put that stuff out of sight in a corner somewhere. I’m giving you full permission to target your ideal audience here… "Stereotype" them, because just as we laid out the bait for the bear with a marvellous pot of honey, it's ok to decide you're going to reach out to a specific type of person, think about what they want and lay out your equivalent "pot of honey" to sniff out and sprint in your direction.

This serves a purpose because it’s how you reach the people most likely to buy your product.

Does This Sound Like A Lot Of Work?

It is. Most people come into business with little marketing background because they're into real estate, plumbing, dog training, etc. —NOT marketing. 

You want to sell homes, fix pipes, make dogs behave, etc. That's your field of expertise. Unfortunately, what tends to happen is that these business owners begin to realise marketing is a big deal somewhere down the line. Next, they try to DIY it by looking at competitors and copying what they do. As I explained, THAT makes for dead boring marketing.

I mean imagine a trumped-up marketer trying to hammer a nail in a wall! Can’t do it can ya?!

It only makes sense. You're a master of your business but haven't built up the marketing muscles over years of focused effort and attention. So what can you do now?

Three options.

  1. Dedicate all your time to taking courses, doing it yourself and figuring it out… You might crack it in a few years!

  2. Join our mailing list (recommended) where we tear apart ads for breakfast to improve your marketing IQ… but you’ll still have a lot of work to do.

  3. Get the experts to do it for you.

You sit back and look on as we draw a Japanese Katana out of our pocket. We brandish it in your market with our deft marketing hand SLICING through the noise and crowing you king of your kingdom.... 

Reach out for a free consult. Or if you want to learn more about how we could help you WITHOUT jumping on a call - download our free guide to meta ads here.

Sam Terrett
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