Let’s Talk About Great Marketing.

Today we’ll talk about great marketing. Marketing that works… 

Because it shouldn’t be a mystery you know? You pay for marketing so that it pays you back in multiples. And if you’re NOT getting that money back in multiples… something is seriously wrong!

Just like in good cooking, good marketing focuses on a few core ingredients. If you get these right, you're golden. In the next couple minutes, you’re going to see exactly what those ingredients are and how to combine them to ensure multiple returns on marketing spend. 

Let’s get into it.

The 3 Ingredients Of
Great Marketing

What we’re about to discuss works in any economy, any location, and every market for any business. This stuff is powerful. So we’ll take it step by step with a broad overview before we get into the nitty-gritty.

– #1. Messaging –

Be it a website, an ad or a video script, you must think carefully about:

What are we saying? 

• What is the message?

– #2 Target Audience –

To craft the perfect message, we need to think about who we are talking to. You don’t talk to your Grandma the same way you talk to your best mate do you? So you need to define:

• Who are we saying it to? 

• Who's our target audience? 

This ensures that any messaging we write resonates with the kind of people most likely to buy our stuff.

– # 3 Medium –

There are more ways than ever to reach your target audience with your message. It’s important to think about where people are most likely to see your message:

• How will you reach these people?  

• How are we going to get our message across? 

• Which medium are we going to use? (Google / Facebook / Insta etc.)
• What media are we going to use to reach our target audience? (Video, copy, creative etc.)

Now, each of these ingredients deserve their own chapter in a book, but by understanding this, even on a surface level, you will be ahead of most local business owners. Let’s go more in-depth on each core ingredient.

Welcome To
‘The Dutch Pancake Guide’
To Great Marketing

If you crack THIS? You have yourself a recipe for making the best damn Dutch Pancakes on earth. Apply these ideas to market? People will travel around the world for them.

Now if you know Dutch pancakes, you know you’ll need FOUR core ingredients. Flour, milk, salt and eggs. So why are we only talking about three? I’ll explain in a moment.

1. The 7 ‘Eggs’ Of
Effective Messaging

Your messaging must be:

  1. Clear

  2. Powerful 

  3. Persuasive 

  4. Compelling 

  5. Intriguing 

  6. Fascinating 

  7. Attention-grabbing

This means that it HAS to cut through the clutter. This isn't 1794, where we’re all busy ploughing a field. Back then, people didn’t see an ad for days, weeks or months at a time! No. These days we’re bombarded with advertising every second of every day

And for that reason, you need to be able to cut through the clutter. You mustn’t be boring, you can't say the same things that everyone else says. 

And also while we’re on the topic: You’re messaging must NOT be “we're cheap.” That's not what we do. Never compete on price. 

So how do you make sure that your messaging IS good? First we need to define your target audience.

2. Know Your “Flour”...
Who Are We Selling To?

The first step should be thinking about who you are actually talking to.

• Who is your target audience? 

• What would get these people excited?

A business needs to know its target customer so it can gear its message to them. That’s because something that can be of interest to one person can be of NO interest to plenty of other people. If I'm into Yoga and you talk to me about Yoga I'll be easily interested. But if I’m into yoga and you talk to me about skateboarding… That’s a harder sell.

Same with blowtorches. Who’s most likely to buy blowtorches? Dudes. The point is this:

Your marketing must be geared towards the people that are most likely to buy.

The fortunate thing is most business owners know their customers pretty well! That’s why we sit down and ask very specific questions about this when we bring on any new client.

3. You Can Take
A Horse To Water
But You Can’t
Make It Drink

Once you have a good idea of the message and the target audience, it’s never been easier to get your messaging in front of the right people… But you still need to choose the best platform to do that. 

For some products and services this is trickier than others. But either way, you can usually define EXACTLY what the best channel is to reach your target market with your particular messaging. Here’s how:

Some key questions to ask:

  • Where does your ideal audience hang out? 

  • How advanced are the algorithms to meet your needs? 

  • How powerful are the types of media you can post there?

  • Which medium are we going to use? 

  • How do we reach these people?

Now, this used to be extremely hard and costly. But today, social media has made this easier than ever. That’s because you can target locals according to what their interests are, their location, their age and gender. In the past you had to buy a list of addresses and do a direct mail campaign. 

So at this point you might be asking yourself:

“How Can I Apply This
To My Business RIGHT NOW?”

And that leads us onto the final ingredient you’ll need to make the best Dutch Pancakes.

4. Why You Need “Salt”
To Assert
Local Marketing

While you could probably figure this all out on your own if you had the time… you’ll be tempted to use a shortcut called Facebook Boosts, which is a waste of money!

I explain why boosts are a waste of money, and how to use Ads Manager instead in our FREE GUIDE to Meta Ads. Download it here.

But ads manager is Facebook Boost’s mean old Uncle. He knows a lot of stuff, and he’s really difficult to talk to! It’s packed with WAY more features to get more sales, more leads and more money from your ad spend. But it’s a nightmare to navigate.

So that’s why we exist - we are the final ingredient to your perfect Dutch Marketing Pancake. We help busy business owners apply these powerful marketing tools and know-how, so you can concentrate on living your life and doing what you’re good at… running your business.

Let us do the cooking for you. Contact us today.

Sam Terrett
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