Why your facebook ads *probably* suck
Sam Terrett Sam Terrett

Why your facebook ads *probably* suck

In certain ways, AI is just going to totally out compete you. Everybody knows this. We can be really disciplined. We are capable of great things. But we’re not exactly designed to take action like a machine.

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Meta Ads Set To Become Even More Powerful With New Update?
Sam Terrett Sam Terrett

Meta Ads Set To Become Even More Powerful With New Update?

Meta ads tend to haunt the same group of people over and over again… like an unwelcome drunk approaching your table at a bar. 

The first time, you politely listen and let him know you’re not interested… so he backs off and walks up to your mate instead… This goes on for 10 minutes until the whole table erupts: 

“Get lost!”

Unfortunately, there’s not been a great way to tell Meta ads to behave themselves before… but this may be soon to change with the new Target Frequency feature. Rumours report…

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How To Turn Your Landing Page Into A Super Selling Machine… (Without Being ‘Salesy’)
Sam Terrett Sam Terrett

How To Turn Your Landing Page Into A Super Selling Machine… (Without Being ‘Salesy’)

If you want to convert more leads and sales — THIS will work… 

Your landing page is like a digital salesperson.

But here’s the problem… Most landing pages are like a boring intern who couldn’t ‘close a door’... let alone a sale. To make money?—They need a high-class sales expert instead.

Here’s 4 steps to turn your landing page into that guy…

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