How To Turn Your Landing Page Into A Super Selling Machine… (Without Being ‘Salesy’)

If you want to convert more leads and sales — THIS will work… 

Your landing page is like a digital salesperson.

But here’s the problem… Most landing pages are like a boring intern who couldn’t ‘close a door’... let alone a sale. To make money?—They need a high-class sales expert instead.

Here’s 4 steps to turn your landing page into that guy…

Step 1—Be A Smoooooth Operatooooooor…

If your landing page was a great salesperson… how would they start the sales process?

First of all, they’ll “hook you in” and start the conversation…

On your landing page, this’ll be the ‘above the fold’... 

Spec Lead Qualification Landing Page For Interior Designers

This includes your headline, ‘hero image’, sub headline, and anything else in the rectangle “before the scroll. It’s THE most important section. Why? 

100% of your traffic sees it. And you have just a split second to reel them in. 

An important note here:

A lot of gurus go off the rails at this point… start talking like they just got back from an ayahuasca convention… “You have to understand and match their awareness levels, maaaaan…”

Don’t let that confuse you. The most important thing is to clearly state what you do in plain English, so that anyone can understand. 

Bonus points if you can empathize with the conversation going on in their head and get them to keep reading… that’s a little advanced for this article —subscribe to the newsletter for that stuff. 

Step 2—Speak the lingo

Think about this: which sales person closes the most sales?

The one shouting generic info at people on a loudspeaker…


The one that shakes your hand and looks you in the eye… listens to you and shows you “I understand you, and here’s how we can help…

Pretty obvious, right?

But businesses get this wrong all the time. Look at 90% of websites and you’ll see:

- Industry jargon… confusing nerd language → translator please!

- Needy writing… trying to please everyone → speak to ONE target market.

- Snotty nose syndrome… being too ‘proper’ and B2B language → chill and speak like a human being.

Remember: this isn’t a meeting to impress the board, keep lawyers at bay or please shareholders.

Step 3—Qualify (or disqualify) all you like!

Make it obvious that what you have is for THEM… a certain type of person.

Couple ways to do this… 

1. Include testimonials and pictures of your ideal customers. That’s the subtle way...

You can also be more blunt…

2. Include a ’who this isn’t for” section… Here’s a smart way to phrase it:

“Only apply if you want >insert cool things your target market want!<…”

Use that. Especially if you want qualified leads!

Step 4—Make The Sale: Call ‘em To Action

Make sure you call them to the next step. That doesn’t necessarily mean a purchase… And a lot of businesses go with a ‘free consultation’...

Yaaaaaaaawn… 🥱

Stand out by being different here... Think

→ Get A Free Action Plan, or 

→ Get A Free Champagne Consultation…

It doesn’t take much. 

↳ Make it SEXY.

tldr: Put A Super Selling Machine In Charge Of Your Marketing!

I’ll level with you… this is a tricky business, and even if you already have the skills? Still takes a lot of time and energy. We’ve spent over a decade helping clients reach their goals fast. So, want to sit down and get this handled?

Let’s schedule a coffee… it’s your chance to get a free action plan. Guaranteed to help you grow your business. And there’s no obligations. Reach out here:

Sam Terrett

P.S. sign up for the newsletter. You’ll make a lot more money, spend fewer nights alone and NEVER be bored again:


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