“They Laughed When I Told ‘em Testing Offers Could BREAK Sales Records”—But Then The Cash Started Stacking Up!
When was the last time you saw fantastic marketing results?
• Super-fast return on ad spend
• Consistency and predictability
• Increasing ROI…
Here, we’ll cover 4 proven ways to ensure generous returns… Use them. Abuse them. And be amazed. Let’s go. Woooooooo!
How To Make Ad Success INEVITABLE
This might be THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP you ever learn on what makes an ad GREAT… Ready? Each ad MUST have a goal like:
‘Watch a video’
‘Learn more’
“Call us now”
“Make a sale”
Now, forgive me if that sounds obvious… but you’d be surprised how many businesses bury themselves alive breaking this rule!
“Two key criteria: Objective and measurable. What’s measured grows. Remember that.”
Do You Make This “Poor Man’s Error”?
This mistake is sooooooo commonplace… it’s almost a DISEASE. Avoid it like the plague. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it… the things everywhere! The culprit? Discount selling:
“Botox Injections Were $500, Now $400… We’re really good. Grab this limited-time offer now.”
But isn’t this what marketing IS?!?
Yes this the most common type of marketing offer. And, don’t get me wrong. This works. Some people will buy… The problem? You spend an arm and a leg… to sell at a discount!
And not only that… You train the market to ONLY come to you when your stuff is on sale… meaning you’re throwing profit down TWO drains.
That’s not ideal… Weren’t we talking about fantastic results?
Yes. So the first thing is to avoid those two mistakes… Now let’s get into the sexy money stacking stuff!
How A “Trusty Two Step” Trains People To Spend Their Money With YOU… (Like it’s going out of fashion)
Marketing profit is about building trust. Running a 2 step offer establishes trust FAST… Here’s how: run an ad with valuable content. Could be a blog post, an ebook, or a video etc… All these work.
Here’s the good part…
Off the back of this, you run a ‘retargeting’ ad… All that means is putting a second ad in front of people who took action on the first one… Why?
Because these people are far more likely to buy!
Now, what if you want to get really advanced, and make your ads pay you back immediately?!?
All My Rich Friends Use ‘The Tripwire Offer’
This might be the most powerful kind of offer in existence... It works a real treat on anything ‘pricey’. Let’s revisit the botox example…
$500 is quite a big leap for a first sale… so let’s NOT start there!
Instead, take a lower ticket item. And use that to attract your perfect customers…
How? Take one of your low-ticket items… Let’s say waxing or eyebrow extensions… These are less invasive and cost peanuts… And advertise those!
See how this will bring more people in the door?
And then: watch what happens. Ask yourself:
• Which of these services attracts the right type of client?
• Which attracts people that buy botox after their first treatment? Test, and keep a record!
Remember: Profit lies hidden in Selling Full Price To Those Wwho Trust You.
Apply these tips, and you can make any business worth its salt mega-profitable:
A) Easily turn marketing costs into PROFIT
B) Attract and upsell your perfect customers (at full price!)
You’ll be laughing at your advertising worries when you follow this simple plan.
Sam Terrett
P.S. If you don’t apply this today, you’ll be missing out… If you want to discover your fortune ‘quick time’? You’ll want us on your side. Reach out here: tearitupmarketing.co.uk/contact