The Dreaded “Instant Prospect Ick.”

I can drive hundreds of leads to your door. Write the perfect ad for you. I can make the messaging on your website perfect. Devise a strategy that brings customers begging for your services…

But if you confuse your client even once… It’s all over.

Literally ONE wrong message is enough to give your clients the “instant prospect ick.”

Let me set the scene. It’s a sunny Thursday evening.

I meet one of our clients to round up the month. Before working together? They got 2 leads a week max. In 3 weeks we’ve 10 X’d that to 24 leads in 3 weeks. Each customer is worth £200/month minimum. So there’s £48k+ revenue sitting at the table.

We should have been cracking open the champagne in a nice restaurant, celebrating right?

WRONG… Why? One problem. They didn’t close one sale!

Neither Of Them Knew The Culprit As £48k+ Revenue Lay Belly Up - DEAD In The Water…

So I put on my detective hat… “how are you following up with these prospects?”

“We email them.”

“OK, do you call them?”


“Ok, what do you email them?”

“I use CHAT GPT.”


The solution became obvious:

Ditch the Drivel To Sell The Prize

A. Call your leads. Numbers are an asset. 

B. Talk like a human in ALL communication.

GPT doesn’t talk like a human. It spits out confusing drivel. And confusing drivel doesn’t sell.

So let’s talk about what sells… 

Occam’s Razor: the simplest explanation is most likely the right one.

In marketing, the simpler things are the better the results.

Lack of sales is usually down to one thing. Confusion. You’re probably confusing customers and don’t even know it… 

Remember: Confuse your prospects (even slightly) and they’ll swipe away faster than Leonardo DiCaprio on a 27-year-old woman. 

Here’s what to do instead:

Sell Your Services With Easy To Follow Instructions

The one thing that matters at the end of the day is how many people buy your product.

Every step of your marketing and sales process must have one clear goal. Any more than that becomes confusing. 

The Whole Goal Is To Make It Easy To Say Yes.

When our client sent us their CHAT GPT email, we spotted 4 terribly confusing errors:

  • Long-winded paragraphs.

  • Offering 2 separate services.

  • CHAT GPT drivel everywhere.

We don’t give away client work free, but I CAN tell you THIS:

How We Wrote Their Sales Email With The Rule Of Clarity

To write with clarity, you have to put yourself in your customer's shoes. Ask yourself:

  • Am I saying too much?

  • Am I asking too much of them?

  • Is this confusing?

Make it easy. People like easy.

P.S. If you’re hitting a bottleneck at any point in your advertising or sales process get in touch and we will be happy to take a look at your marketing for you.

P.S. If you’re hitting a bottleneck at any point in your advertising or sales process get in touch and we will be happy to take a look at your marketing for you.

P.P.S. I’ve spent the last three days improving their sales process… Using tools like Zapier, Brevo and Leadsync. They kindly took me for breakfast on Saturday. We’re on track to CRUSH it together.
P.P.P.S. Found this helpful? Leave us a tip.


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