Why is Your Doggy Daycare Membership Short On Numbers?

Everybody is on the membership site train. But most don’t take full advantage.

Membership should generate more money, more consistency and drive more conversions… 

If it doesn’t? You’ll compete on price instead of stand out based on benefits and features. BIG problem. 

Commodity Marketing In The Doggy Daycare Niche

We talk to many doggy daycarers and they all suffer from this exact problem nationwide. It’s a sort of a time bomb. So much competition, offering the same things… That’s a race to the bottom. Here are the common problems among them:

  • revenues dry up in the summer or they’re forced to rely on boarding to tide themselves over the summer period. 

  • a new competitor crops up and steals market share, their monthly numbers rapidly diminish.

  • customers suddenly “pack up and leave town”, heading for a new life in the country leaving the business with a large gap in monthly revenues.

Next Level Membership Strategy

First of all, before optimising your pricing strategy, you need to ruthlessly define your USP until you get it right… like a… dog with a bone? 😆 (It’s MY blog, I get to laugh at my own jokes!)

Get started by asking this quick question:

Why should your customers choose you over your competitors?

To go deep on how to define your USP, read this.

Rigorously define your USP until it works. You won’t regret it. 

This is how you pull yourself up from being just a commodity, increase sales and even sets you up to dominate locally. Kind of like protecting your business by walking around in full-on metal armour with a 1 m-long sword without looking like you belong in an insane asylum. 

But How Do You Do All This?

Get some inspiration from the notorious marketer, Dan Kennedy, who shared an interesting pricing strategy in his book The Ultimate Marketing Plan:

Sam Terrett

P.S. Sound like a lot of work? It is. We help you define and proove your USP with effective marketing. Apply to work with us here.

P.P.S. Found this helpful? Drop us a tip here: https://buy.stripe.com/6oE9EC4fF5B75sA8ww


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