The Rotten Number One And The Word Of Mouth Trap

Yesterday we consulted for a client who had enjoyed word-of-mouth marketing growth. Operating for 7 years, they were at full capacity for four of them. They never had to invest in word of mouth advertising besides a basic website and in-house social media.

Fast-forward to 2024: Business has declined in the last three years, and competition has ramped up.

Guess what? Word of mouth marketing is no longer working for them like it did. They’re operating at 50% capacity. Plus, a new competitor has opened up only 10 minutes away.

It didn’t have to be this way. The trouble is, now she is looking for bare-budget help to turn around her business. A proactive marketing strategy could have safeguarded the business against new local competition.

It’s an interesting pattern, and we see this all the time when we talk to prospective clients.

Is Your Business At Risk?

Guess the most common objection to effective marketing?

“We’re doing great, we’re operating at full capacity due to word of mouth and we don’t need marketing.”

Imagine. You have money coming in, and a reliable way to multiply it… and you don’t take it?!? Then, one day, that pillar gets kicked from under your feet, and all of a sudden, the whole building tumbles. The worst number in business is The Rotten Number One.

So now you know all about The Rotten Number One, you have no more excuses. If you’re relying on one marketing channel? Sooner or later, it’s bound to stagnate. And no, social media doesn’t count as an additional channel.

Support Your Business with More Marketing Columns

It’s wise to secure at least two marketing pillars under that thing. And of course, there are loads of options:

  • Google ads

  • Meta ads

  • Instagram sponsored ads…

In fact, running all of these marketing campaigns simultaneously is a solid way to distinguish your business.

But doing all this requires expertise, dedication, and a carefully thought-out strategy. It’s not easy at all. That’s where we come in…

Reliably Put Customers In Your Pocket On Repeat

We work with a handful of select clients to offer the best possible results guaranteed. Just this month, we increased new lead inquiries by 337.5%. If you’re interested to see if we could help you, contact us here:

Sam Terrett

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