Why Construct A Superpowered Marketing Message

In 1978, Cavett Robert, sagely cautioned the infamous marketer, Dan Kennedy: 

“Don’t be in too much of a hurry to promote, until you get good.” 

Reflecting on this, Dan “observed that large numbers of businesspeople in all fields rush to promote without stopping long enough to be sure they have something really worth promoting.”

It’s kind of hard to fathom. And its easy to say “oh no not me”, especially if your product or service sells… But remember, this is coming from one of the greatest marketing minds of all time.

And if you look at the messaging of your competitors through their website, or socials or even their customer emails and phone conversations… you will quickly see they all do it pretty much the same. 

That’s why …

You need a truly great
marketing message more than ever

Now, having said that, it MUST be truthful to the actual customer experience.

Obviously, you can’t run around promising things you can’t deliver.

But, you can look at what your competition is advertising and look for things that:

A) they aren’t doing, that you do, but you don’t mention in your advertising
B) they aren’t doing, you aren’t doing and you could start doing
C) things they aren’t willing to do, you’re not doing yet, but you’re happy to start

But No Matter What…
Avoid Copying Competitor
Messaging “Strategies”

Most of the market is saturated with terrible messaging.

That’s because local business owners often write their own copy by copying competitors or hiring a minimum-wage intern and giving them the task. That intern then goes away and … copies competitor messaging in their own words.

This is terrible for results. It positions the business like a comodity, and so begins the race to the bottom.

And not only that, but today AI copywriting is muddying the waters even further…

Messaging With Generic AI Copy

We can’t talk about messaging without talking about AI copy in 2024. 

We have a new generation of armchair copywriters who literally plug in a few prompts into CHAT GPT and present THAT as a piece of work …

Unless you’ve trained yourself to spot generic AI copy… you won’t know the difference. 

The cliche’s poke me in the eye … But it’s not the writing that’s so bad. It’s the messaging.

You can get CHAT GPT to write nice, but that doesn’t mean it will sell. There is a huge difference between these two things. Great messaging is like a killer salesman in writing.

Constructing A Superpowered Marketing Message

Take a thorough survey of all you are up against—everyone else of significance who may be presenting their messages to your targeted consumer. 

You need to trump their messaging and become a ‘category of one’ in your customers' minds. Just like in Inception, your brand must implant itself deeply in their subconscious.

“OK … BUT Where Do I start?!?”

First, recognize that websites are fiercely competitive. (If you’re not making the most of your website, constantly optimising and strategising around it then you’re falling behind…) 

But more importantly, each potential customer is a milisecond away from checking your competitors—so you need a way to get one-on-one with your customer with email or a phone call in order to sell.

Dan Kennedy called this “selling in a vacuum”.

Selling in a vacuum is a VERY … wait no … is the most effective way to sell.

We specialise in vacuuming up your customers into a convenient … errr … bag?

If you would like to optomise your message for selling, or get a bespoke funnel that puts customers in your … bag, reach out for a consultation here:


Sam Terrett

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