Easily get the sale (with meta pixel retargeting)
... Meta-pixel-who and a what now ?!?
It’s just a fancy word for a seriously powerful local business marketing tool. We’ll get into how to use it. First, a WARNING:
What NOT to do with retargeting:
Whoop, the $3.6B health-tracking giant has been stalking me for many, many years now. I like their product and everything but… it’s kind of annoying to see them each time I open Instagram.
They use meta-pixel retargeting. You know that thing about cookies and Mark Zuckerberg collecting all our information? Pretty sure Julian Assange has something to do with it too. But anyway, the problem is Whoop constantly sell sell sell in their retargeting. That’s bad. It’s so annoying. And it really doesn’t have to be!
Let’s talk about a better way to use Facebook retargeting *strategically* to hypnotise customers into an easy sale.
Showing Up at The Right Time With Facebook Retargeting
Unless you sell a low-value commodity like soft drinks or bread, your clients won’t just buy from you willy-nilly. No. They’ll take their time, compare options, and choose the most convincing solution for their problem or desire.
That gives you a window of opportunity…
But the timer is counting down.
See, your customers will go through a ‘customer journey’, like Harry Potter visiting Diagon Alley, and you’ll either win them over now or lose them forever. Chances are a very convincing and persuasive wand salesman is lurking in a dark alley of the internet, salivating over the chance to steal your prospects from right under your nose…
The Diagon Alley Customer Journey Route (top secret customer journey map)
Here’s the rough timeline of events each and every prospect goes through as they make a buying decision:
becomes aware of a problem/ desire (why can’t i do magic ?)
decides to do something about it ( i visit Diagon Alley)
looks up possible options and solutions (visit my first ever wand shop)
weighs these options, thinks it over (what wand do i buy?)
picks an option and checks out different suppliers (ssssooo much choice)
→ Purchase action (Potter buys *sick* wand):
Why is this so important?:
At any one point, the prospect may be persuaded to buy.
The sooner you get in front of a prospect and influence them, the higher the chances you will win their custom.
But not only that. Show up early in the cycle, and the less they’ll want to shop around. Meaning: easier sale.
Picture this: A prospect searches Google for your product/service. And your business is top of Google. If your marketing is good, they do not need to look elsewhere. They decide to buy.
Compare that to your customer finding you at step 5. They’ve already seen all the different suppliers, and objections emerge like, “Suzie down the road only charges $X... why should I pay more?”
There’s more at play psychologically here…
“Time is not money; it’s much more valuable than money. You can always get more money, but you can never get more time. Successful people understand the value of time and are willing to invest in speed and efficiency.”
And it’s not just “successful people” that value their time more and more. One problem, though: we are increasingly short on time, with short attention spans to boot! Suzie is reaching for her credit card right about to buy, when all of a sudden:
*text message*:
“Suzie you’ve gotta check this out!”
…And in the blink of an eye, Suzie’s is lost… forever. This is where retargeting is so powerful:
Gentle Touch Point Facebook Retargeting Strategy
With attention spans at an all-time low, you must remind people you’re there. Retargeting allows you to do that by showing new ads to people that have seen or interacted with your website or previous ads.
So, if you’re a dog trainer, you create 4 videos. Maybe one on crate training, another on manageable feeding times… the point is to keep adding value, providing new material so it doesn’t get predictable. And that way, you will be remembered.
Done skilfully this powerfully influences customer buying decisions…
The Reciprocity Rule And Buying Decision Marketing
“The rule possesses awesome strength, often producing a yes response to a request that, except for an existing feeling of indebtedness, would have surely been refused.
Reciprocity shortcircuits the regular decision-making process. Instead of customers shopping around and knocking on your door with an entitled bargaining psyche, you’re more likely to attract clients who are already sold on your services before they make an enquiry.
Just make sure you give your prospects something actually valuable along the way, and you’ll be good.
Sam Terrett
P.S. 1 - do you need a Facebook marketing strategist to design, implement and manage your marketing campaigns? See how I’d implement retargeting through the meta pixel in your campaigns:
P.P.S. You probably don’t need a customer journey manager. You need someone who gets the full picture and takes action. Find out why 👉 “So you’re looking for a customer journey manager?”