How To Get The Attention Of The Perfect Clients

The vast majority of advertising fails to grab attention because it's lame or just dead bland. 

Just think about all the times you've been on Facebook and Instagram and scrolled past an ad just because it LOOKED like an ad…

If you're anything like me, this slightly bugs you.

But every now and then, an ad gets your attention and keeps your interest.

So what is the difference between a lame ad and one that lures you in like a nymph out of The Odyssey?

I'll tell you, but first, let me explain something…

About 90-95% of businesses get this completely wrong. That means if you're reading this, you will likely be too. And it's not your fault. See school doesn't teach anybody about this.

…And that leads me to:

'The First Rule Of Marketing' 👨‍🏫

"You can do anything. Just DON'T bore 'em!" 

I'll explain how to pull that off in the next 3 short minutes. We're going to cover exactly how to grab the attention of prospects in that split second where they decide whether it's worth their time or not. Do you start to see how any business can generate more leads by getting this right?

Good. Because if you blow it here, nobody will care to learn more about your services. 

So picture this:

You're walking through the train station on your way home. You're focused on getting where you want to go, not putting much thought into anything else. When all of a sudden…

BOOM!!! Someone calls out your name at the top of their voice.

…If they shouted anybody else's name, you wouldn't even notice… but they called out YOUR name. So you turn around and pay careful attention. 

OK, but what does this have to do with marketing?

We can't sell to everyone. Not everyone needs what we have to sell. BUT we do need to reach the people that are perfect for our products.

Want to grab my attention? Call my name at the train station.

Want to grab the attention of your ideal customers?

Start your marketing with a headline that directly appeals to them.

Now, once we have that down… The worst thing you can do is say something bland and boring. You won't reach anybody that way. 

That's why the start of your ad is so essential. Whether that's on a website, phone script, or video…… If you blow ANY of these things the rest doesn't matter.

So here's how to write a GREAT headline that grabs attention and increases interest:

1. The "What Do I Care?" Test

In other words, if you could ONLY use the headline and a call to action. Would they call you, fill out a form, or email you for a quote?

A good headline looks like this (you might recognise this one):

"More Clients. More Growth. Guaranteed."

A bad headline looks like this:

"Dirty Solar panels cost you money."

…… Yes, this is an actual headline that someone spent money on. 

Do you see the disconnect in this second example? There is nothing  o hook the reader in. Notice how the first one paints the ideal outcome. It gives you a reason to readon on.

Whereas the second example just points out a problem. It's the equivalent of saying this in the first example:

"Bad customers make your life hard."

This style triggers thooughts along the lines of "thanks for pointing out the obvious... this is lame."

2. The Conversation 'In Their Head' Test

The next question to answer is 

"Does it step into the conversation already happening in the prospects' mind?"

Now, I'm not saying you have to be a psychic here. Still, you have to think logically. What would your ideal client think about your product or service?

"So How Should I Write MY Headlines?!"

In wedding photography, for instance, clients want to plan the day. So a likely thought might be:

"I need to book a photographer before it's too late, and there's so many to choose from…"

Take that a step further. They are probably keenly aware of the short time they have to book someone. This is on top of everything else they need to do. So, if you can hook them with a headline like:

"Hey, need a wedding photographer?"

CTA: "Get a fast quote"

… this WORKS. 

I know it works because it's a snippet of an ad I actually ran 😏

The ad converts at less than £5 per lead… and that's BEFORE I optimised a single thing. 

That's £5 a lead for services worth anywhere from £500-£2k!

So that's why the start of your ad is so important. That's true for your website, phone script, or video. The first words are vital to what comes next.

If You Have The Time - GO FOR IT!

Now, you could learn all this, and that will help.

But that's only if you can find considerable time to apply it. 

And that's usually where business owners get stuck. It can take hours, even months and years, to learn to write an attention-grabbing headline. 

So go ahead and give it a try if you have the time.

But if you DON'T.... Or you don't have the patience to do it alone and need leads NOW…...

Then, you know where to reach us to improve your results. GUARANTEED. Or don't pay us.


Easily Fix Your Ads Fast With 2 Simple Tips


3 Questions You Must Define To Attract A Flood Of New Clients