How To Dramatically Boost Your Return On Ad Spend With One Simple Strategy

Making an ad that returns money on investment is the hard part. At that point, you’ve cracked it! You have a reliable way of making money. It puts you in a great position to grow your business… but further growth isn’t just desirable, it’s a necessity.

So, in the next few minutes, we’ll share our strategy to dramatically improve return on ad spend (ROAS).

Done well, this grabs high-intent buyers by the scruff of the neck and pulls them back into your virtual online corner shop with cash in hand.

It’ll help if you think of this strategy as sales follow-up, only it's for ads.

Let me explain…

You’re Leaving Money On The Table When Your Run Just 1 Ad

In any cold ad campaign, some people were interested. But, for some reason, they didn't respond to your ad by calling, messaging, or making a purchase.

It could be that they:

- were busy
- distracted
- didn’t have the money in that moment

Whatever the reason may be, doesn’t matter.

What does matter, is some of these are high-intent buyers who haven’t taken action… Lost forever. They may never see your primary ad ever again, and even if they do it’s lost its novelty so they’re less likely to take action.

Each of those missed opportunities is worth a lot of money. They are interested in your product. They will buy from someone else if you don’t intervene.

So the problem is you’re missing out on easy customers with high intent to buy. But it's a nice problem to have. If you know Meta like we do, then these are the easiest and cheapest sales you'll ever make.

So How Do You ‘Re-Hook’ A Missed Lead?

You hook these “sideline” customers in with ‘retargeting.’

“What’s that?” you say…

You can retarget using tools that meta made free. You use them to post new ads to people who interacted with your ad but didn’t take action. You can do this using a 'metapixel.' This tracks users on your website and tags them. Then, you can reach them again in a targeted campaign.

Now, that’s the tech side.

“But What On Earth Do I Write In A ‘Retargeting’ Ad?”

The best way to think of it is this:

It’s a lot like following up in the sales process, except for ads. It’s a very logical process:

  1. You think about what the first ad said.

  2. You follow-up logically.

Let’s say I’m a wedding photographer and my “cold ad” says roughly this:

“Hey do you need wedding photography? Enquire now for a consultation.”

A logical follow-up would follow this kind of structure:

“The wedding day is getting closer. Book your free consultation today and reduce the stress leading up to your big day.”

Now don’t copy and paste this - it won’t work. What I’m explaining here is the psychology of how to think about making a retargeting ad. And this is just a very rough example. Actually writing the ad is a specialized process that requires significant thought and effort.

But in simple terms, the best way to think of it is like I said before:

A retargeting ad is a lot like follow-up, only for ads.

When you make a winning retargeting ad, it will greatly boost your sales.

Feel free to build on the idea and apply it to your own ads... but if you’re like most business owners and don’t have time for yet another thing on your endless to-do list… Add it to ours! 😀

We’ll be happy to help.


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