How To Advertise Training Courses

So we got a new question about marketing vocational training today with Facebook and Instagram ads…


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This client is a vocational training center, this is an ad that I made and tested today (didn't preform well).

The reason it didn't preform is that the hook, pain, desire statement whatever you wanna call it is shit.

Here's some context about the avatar

  • Don't know what career to go into and want a high paying job - No educational level - and they are jumping from training to other

  • Want a promotion in his work and he need this training to do so

  • Want to change his job - He can do this training in 5 days and he will be qualified for another job

Last two are the minority - Problem is that I don't have much data from the market research to dig deeper

This client is a vocational training center, this is an ad that I made and tested today (didn't preform well) using Prof Andrew Run Ads And Make Money strategy.

The reason it didn't preform is that the hook, pain, desire statement whatever you wanna call it is shit.

Here's some context about the avatar

  • Don't know what career to go into and want a high paying job - No educational level - and they are jumping from training to other

  • Want a promotion in his work and he need this training to do so

  • Want to change his job - He can do this training in 5 days and he will be qualified for another job

Last two are the minority - Problem is that I don't have much data from the market research to dig deeper

Here's the Ad copy:â €

The Most In-Demand Diploma in the Job Market Right Now 

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Are you looking for...

A high income?

 A promotion at work?

A new job opportunity?

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The HSE Diploma gives you the ability to work in all sectors and both private and public institutions, including:

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  • Ports

  • Factories

  • Sonatrach and Sonelgaz

  • Construction companies

  • The largest oil companies inside and outside the country

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Course duration: 5 days (intensive) with a specialized engineer from Sonatrach who has extensive field experience.

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 Accommodation available for those coming from outside the province. 

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Different levels available for various qualifications:

Industrial Safety and Security Agent: 18,000 DZD - All levels.

 Industrial Safety and Security Inspector: 25,000 DZD - Secondary level.

 Industrial Safety and Security Supervisor: 30,000 DZD - University level.

 Security Agent at an Airport Management Company: 24,000 DZD - Intermediate level or higher.

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To book or inquire, contact us privately or call:




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Note: The diploma does not cancel unemployment benefits.

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🖇️ Registration Documents:

âś“ Birth certificate

✓ Copy of the national ID card or driver’s license

âś“ Written application

✔️ Age: 16 and above

Accommodation available for those coming from outside the province. 

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Can use some feedback

—'My Copy Is Shit' Turner

Now now, Mr Turner, it's not that bad! … It's not good … The results aren't good. But this is a good effort!

How To Make My Ads Perform Better ?

We have to dial back the messaging a bit because it’s currently extremeley “solution aware”.

Meaning I doubt 95% of people that see this ad understand what this is even if they’re in this sector.

There’s an overwhelm of information. Three phone numbers where one would do. And unneccessary details that would be better discussed on a call. 

There’s a ton of boring information. So let’s take a step back and ask: what do these people really care about that we provide?

Probably: earning more money quickly with a very high chance of success.

How To Advertise Training Courses

Here’s What Our Revised First Draft Ad Copy Looks Like

HL: Could you qualify to earn 18-30K DZD in 5 days?

Primary text:

Get vocational training for in-demand jobs and qualify in 5 days.

You could earn as much as 30K DZD.

X% of graduates have increased their earnings within Y months.

To apply, simply fill out the easy form, and we will be in touch to help you see if this would be a good fit for you.

CTA: Learn More

Description: In demand with earning potential of 30k DZD

...OK OK, but how to make my ads perform better ?!?

If you're still asking yourself how to get more clients or how to make my ads perform better, use the critique here to think about what you could do in your own advertising. Failing that, or if you just don't have the time. Reach out to us, and we'll be happy to take a look at your ads and let you know our best recommendation for you:


Luxury Ice Cream Copywriting / Creative Spec Piece


How To Seductively Hook In Email Subscribers