Looking For Facebook Or Instagram Ads Management?

More Growth & More Clients With The Most Powerful Advertising Platform Ever Created

Work With Us

Full Service Facebook Ad Management Services

You want results from your Facebook advertising, to see returns on your ad spend. That’s what we specialise in:

• 12 years experience in making money with digital marketing.
• Thousands of £’s & hours invested each year to operate at the cutting edge.
• Results guaranteed.

This is a premium service, but we also have options if you don’t have £2k/month to invest in raising your business turnover.

Facebook Ads Management âś…

Instragram Ads Management âś…

Marketing & Facebook Ad Management Client Results

• Helped double East Tone UK product sales and foster strong influencer relationships with the likes of Jules Holland, Mac Miller & Katy Perry’s touring band.
• Helped break sales records by marketing for Andy Whitmore of Greystoke Studio.
• 10x'd new monthly client enquiry records (in just the first week) for Wonderpups. 
• Increased new client enquiries 650% in one month for Tongues Out.
• Sales copy selling $18,000+/year courses through sales pages and Google ads for Cincinnati State

“What’s the best daily budget for facebook ads?”

If you are hoping to spend £50-100 on your Facebook ads I can direct you to a couple young talented beginners that have personally stood out to me. I have a few young friends who are really keen, pretty good at what they do, and won’t be cheap for long. You can get some results that way.

But if you want a serious strategy… you’ll need to make a total investment of at least ÂŁ2000/month to cover ad spend and management. 

I will provide you with my suggestions for your monthly budget on a business specific basis aligned to your goals after an initial call.


We work fast. We agree on a fair goal, and we guarantee a generous 50% of our management fee. However, we are no pushover:

John Dalberg-Acton famously said:

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

This is like a partnership. It’s an equal agreement where both parties have responsbilities.

Therefore we agree on a realistic goal that makes sense for the both of us. This could be along the lines of:

• We will beat the results of your previous ad

• We will get you more enquiries

…it all depends on your specific business goals.

That’s the reason for the initial call.


Step 1: Pre-project call

First, we’ll arrange a call to determine the optimal approach for you and whether we’re a good match. If you qualify, we’ll provide a plan on the onboarding call.

Step 2: Onboarding Call

This call helps us understand your business, your goals, and your target audience. It gives us the insights needed to craft a strategy tailored to your needs.

Step 3: Campaign Setup

Next, we review your past campaign results to establish a solid starting point. We identify what has worked and where there's room for improvement.

Step 4: Ad and Funnel Optimization

We launch your campaign and start optimizing immediately, focusing on:

  • Offer/CTA: Identifying the most effective offers to attract the right leads.

  • Target Audience: Fine-tuning audience segments by age, location, and interests.

  • Ad Copy: Testing different texts to find the most compelling message.

  • Creatives: Comparing various visuals (video, photo, carousel) to see what resonates best.

  • Response Mechanism: Determining whether customers prefer calling, messaging, or filling out a form.

Retargeting: Using the Facebook pixel to ensure consistent engagement with your ads.


That’s £465 in ad spend which you pay directly to Facebook daily. And £465 management fee with 50% serving as deposit on guarantee.

The more you invest, the more we can do for you and the faster we can test and get you results.

It’s a quarterly thing where we send you the invoice for our management fee for the first 3 months.

Then we will do an evaluation together. If you like it we continue, and if you don’t we won’t. We catch up weekly on a short call to assess results.

Management fees depend on scale, budget, the number of campaigns you wish to run throughout the month and optional add-ons you may choose.

I recommend a minimum total budget of ÂŁ1,640/pcm to test toward optimal results most effectively. The most effective funnels depend largely on the level of investment, careful testing and persistence.

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